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Specialists receive a thorough knowledge of the criminal, customs, administrative, civil, labor, business, environmental, financial and international law, intellectual property law, notaries, arbitration and others. After the release they successfully work in law enforcement, public administration, legal profession, the banks, the legal services of state enterprises, commercial facilities and so on. Choosing an appropriate specialization, students can study in depth the regulation of intellectual property and legal issues in business and work in these areas. Speciality “Law” provides a detailed study of the theory of law, history of law, environmental, agricultural, criminal, civil, economic, financial, housing, labor, tax, administrative, family, commercial, competition law, social security law, intellectual property rights , civil, criminal, commercial litigation, administrative procedure and administrative proceedings, criminology, criminology, forensics, forensic medicine, forensic accounting, advocacy, case management and other disciplines of humanitarian, social, economic, professional and practical training.

Our students work in

Kiev city administration of justice;
Pechersk District Court. Kyiv;
Economic Court of Kyiv region;
Ukrainian human rights foundation;
Ukrainian Institute of Industrial Property;
Social centers for families, children and youth;
Public and private notaries;
In public and commercial structures that deal with intellectual property.